Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy Wednesday! On a Positive Note...

Hello Everyone!

Just wanted to talk about the subject of being positive. Life can get hard, overwhelming and frustrating sometimes, can't it!  I hear it in politics, companies, and school growing up. People love pointing fingers at others about problems that happen in life. STOP! No matter what happens in my life, I want to strive to be as positive and resilient in overcoming obstacles that happen in my life whether it be my own fault or the infinite universe.If you hang around negative people, you will become negative! Drop them! Choose to be around people that lift you up and encourage you! I believe we have the right to choose whichever path that leads each individual into their own idea of what success is. Each person has their own definition of  what success and happiness looks like. Success is filling your souls purpose in life. I believe we are all connected. Choose to lift people up in life and encourage them. This positive energy will help you along your journey.  I have become very well aware of what makes me successful and happy to appreciate each day as a wonderful gift. I am so lucky enough to teach children that they can achieve anything that they wish in life (with persistence and hard work of course)!

We have to remember that we are on this planet for a very short time, and no matter what happens we have to look at the things we are given and what we have. Don't keep wishing that something material will make you happy, or being with so and so will make your life better, or counting the days for something that will satisfy you. For me, staying in the present and being grateful for the many things I have experienced in life thus far, is the greatest gift. I am so grateful for everyone that I have met along my journey through life and the experiences (good or bad) that have made me grow into a a better and more understanding person. Days go by so quickly that we need to literally, " Stop and smell the roses" once in awhile. I know it sounds silly, but just pausing to stop during your day and telling someone you love and appreciate them, or to look at the beauty of fresh cut flower, because we never know how much longer they/ it will be around. I think we get into the routine of life to not notice that this world is beautiful, we just focus on problems and getting through the day.I hope this
blog inspires someone today to see beauty in their daily life and not to take things too seriously!
So, pause and enjoy the moment, then go back to work. Enjoy each and every day!

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