Wednesday, September 11, 2013

10+1 Health and Hygiene Habits to Live By

Hello Everyone!

Today I just wanted to talk on the subject of hygiene. I know, you are probably thinking I'm a little nuts talking to the the public about this, but if only one person reads this, and they take into consideration one thing I've said from this blog, then my job is accomplished.  So here are some tips about personal hygiene. I remember a couple years ago when I would commute to work by taking the redline "L" train from Wrigley to Michigan Ave. in downtown Chicago.  Those summer days where commuters got on the train and everyone was cramped inside like sardines were the worst! Being in such close proximity to one another was not only annoying, but worse if someone is not smelling their best. I know, I get it, we are all human and its natural, but we can prevent such uncomfortable circumstances from happening.  Now that I live in Nashville, I don't have to worry about that problem, but I do have to deal with children that cough, sneeze, and get super dirty on the playground. Thank goodness I am becoming immune to this, as before I was so disgusted with  runny noses and saliva that I wanted to gag. Yes, again, natural, but it is seriously still gross.  Here are some tips and ideas that will keep you smelling fresh in and out of the office, school or wherever your work environment  takes you. Now that summer is winding down, this doesn't affect people as much, but these few hot summer days are still here. By no means am I trying to offend anyone! We are all human beings and our bodies are exposed to everything. Just some helpful tips when we're on the move!

Hygiene Tips:

- Brush and floss your teeth daily.  That seems so common,  but flossing is extremely important! Every time you eat food, particles get stuck in your teeth and it sits and decays around your tooth, making it smell.
- Use a deodorant  a couple times a day. Buy a travel size bag and fill it with travel size hygienic products available at Target, or if your on a budget, Wal-Mart. Ladies can carry this in their bags and
men can leave it at the office. The essentials would consist of a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, floss, hand sanitizer, and even contact lens solution.
- Wash hands as much as you can. If you can't get to the sink, use Hand Sanitizer! Public Places are living ses pools for germs.
-Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and use a Kleenex.
-Carry a light smelling perfume to mist yourself. Do Not Douse yourself! Sephora and Nordstrom are awesome at giving you samples of testers to try before you buy the new fragrance for Fall. Stashing those in your bag is pretty convenient as well.  I really like the new Prada fragrance Candy L'Eau, mmmmm!
-Drink lots of water to move fluids throughout your body and keep your mouth fresh and hydrated!
-Shower daily.
-Keep your nails filed and clean.
- Take care of yourself! Sleep 8 hours and eat healthy!
- Like your momma says, "eat more fruits and veggies!" Fruits and veggies are a great plaque
remover while chewing. It gets your saliva moving and doesn't let food to sit around.
- Think positive about yourself! You will sit a little straighter, stand a little taller and your self esteem will instantly improve. Everyday, I try an affirmation where I look into the mirror and say to myself, I accept myself completely and unconditionally, right now.

Ok, I hope this helps!

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