Hello Readers!
Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the word success. Success is defined as:
1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of ones goals.
2. the attainment of wealth, position honors or the like.
How do you define the word success? Many people have different ideas of how they measure their success. I am happy to say that New York Public Schools are doing away with the standard letter grade A-F. Why? You ask? Because students as learners for one see the world differently.
I remember growing up in the one minded school setting that treated each homework assignment as a one-size-fits all classroom setting. It was like they were putting us through a production line and stamping us with a sign of approval that we all learn the same thing and think the same way. While I understand that there is some truth to this, this is not how society and educators should think.
Teachers need to grade on a holistic grading scale for the most part, and grade accordingly to what mission the school sets for the students. Look at the student as a whole. Observe their learning on a day to day basis. Another point I wanted to bring up is, not everyone was made to go to college! College is a privilege and luxury, but don't criticize someone who's success is to aspire to be something else. If they are working, they have value in society. Be humble wherever you stand. Not boastful.
Another area on success is on women's wages, I recently read a book called "Knowing Your Value" By Mika Brazinski. Success isn't just based on monetary value, but if you work hard, I believe you should be compensated. This book opened my eyes and took into account a women's responsibility to know her value in the workplace and ask for it. Yes, if we work really hard and just sit there, nothing will happen. You need to ask and know your value.
Those were just two subjects I wanted to bring up about the value of success. We each have personal goals and aspirations. It's up to you to make your world a living success of your very own. Don't let anyone stomp on your dreams and aspirations. They are yours and what make you your very own success. How do you measure your value?
Characteristics of Successful People:
~Have a sense of gratitude
~Compliment Others
~Read Everyday
~Share information and data
~Exude Joy
~Embrace Change
~Keep a To-Do List
~Forgive Others
~Continuously Learn
~Want Others To Succeed
~Keep a Journal
~Accept Responsibility For Their Failures
~Operate From a Transformational Perspective