Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Inspired by Kristen: Endorphins Make You Happy!

Inspired by Kristen: Endorphins Make You Happy!: Hi There! Today I wanted to touch on the subject of getting in a good workout even when it becomes cold outside. I personally hate going...

Endorphins Make You Happy!

Hi There!

Today I wanted to touch on the subject of getting in a good workout even when it becomes cold outside. I personally hate going to the gym. I feel like a hamster on a wheel! Oh yeah, and those nasty sweat germs gross me out! As much as I can, I try to get outside and work it! This time of year is a bit tough. On top of coming home exhausted and tired from a long day, I just want to curl up and relax! I have noticed a huge difference when I haven't worked out in a few days. I become more lethargic and my mood is decreased. Last evening, I actually got the gumption to get out there and go! As soon as I hit the pavement, I felt instant energy. My mood changed from super annoyed and moody to the feeling like I could do anything:) I even felt like I did some Beyoncé moves while listening to my music. Ha! It was dark out, I'm pretty sure I didn't have an audience.

I think in today's world, we are so quick to just pop a pill or be given a diagnoses to our health problems,  when really it's just a workout issue. Humans were not created to sit all day at a desk. Way back in caveman times, we actually had to sprint and work hard for our food. 

Today, all it takes is putting your foot on the gas pedal and stopping at McDonalds. We eat preservative and processed laden foods which can last in our cabinets for months at a time. I don't know about you, but it doesn't sound that good for us as human beings. We weren't made for those fake foods! I guess all I'm trying to say in this article is if you feel sad or suffer from seasonal depression, go outside, breathe the fresh air, and there's nothing that a quick little outdoor workout can't fix. Even if it's for a brisk 30- minute walk. Those help too! Maybe this post will inspire you to drop that doughnut and get out there after work. As Elle Woods would say " Endorphins make you happy!" Take care!

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