Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks, What I'm Thankful For This Thanksgiving 2014

Hello Readers!

I thought I would take a moment and just write down some of my thoughts for today. It's almost Thanksgiving and this week has been long, tiresome, but also full of life! I am thankful that I get to share with you my ideas, and inspirations I write each week. No, I don't have enough time to fully devote my time to a writing career. But, that's ok! I like writing in my free time. It gives me a creative outlet into my hobbies and my passion for style and imagination.

As I see some of these fashion blogs out there, I conclude they must spend a ton of time and money on marketing and photography and spend lots of time getting ready. I don't have a professional photographer at my fingertips catching every picture perfect Pinterest snap. Wow, that would be really either incredibly expensive, or I would have to ask my husband to take glamour shots of me. Don't get me wrong, He loves me, but I don't think he signed up for that:) I'm not a fan of spending hours in my bathroom trying to look FLAWLESS. 45 to and hour, -if it's a special occasion, -tops or else I get sick of looking at myself. In the words of Beyoncé " I just woke up like this".

 All Kidding aside- you'll just have to take little old me trying to take a quick silly selfie, a snap of something I find interesting, or even settle on a Pinterest image as I try to look for pictures that inspire.

I really do enjoy photography, it's very time consuming, and I don't have all that much time in a day. When I do get to make good use of my high resolution camera, I will post them up for the world to see.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, if I can take you into a world that uplifts you or makes you feel inspired, well I guess I'm doing my job! This Thanksgiving I'm Thankful for my friends and family, my husband, our happy home, and writing to people who stay positive and  inspired. How's that for FLAWLESS?

Happy Thanksgiving!

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