Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October Children's Book: Crankenstein

Hello Everyone!

Today I wanted to talk about the book I recently read called Crankenstein by Samantha Berger. This book is a great read for the age groups of Preschool thru Grade 1. This book is all about a little boy who faces challenges during his day. All children at one point or another face temper tantrums. They may even blow an insignificant thing out of proportion! This may even trigger a famous public melt down. This book is great for showing children how to handle emotions and prevent them from acting like a Crankenstein! Many children at this age have trouble communicating their emotions. By reading  and discussing our emotions, we are able to prevent the feeling of helplessness when a child encounters a tough situation. Children can then talk through their feelings in a more subtle way. Great discussion book about how to deal with children's emotional behavior. Talk it out with this book!

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