Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Out with the Old, in with the Happy New Year 2015!

Happy New Years Eve Friends!

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday with friends and family. I really must say, 2014 went out with a bang! Not only did I spend some high quality time with family down in Florida, I also thought positively about how I can make 2015 an even more amazing year.

It was my first Christmas as a married woman! I enjoyed seeing my sister and her husband as well as my mothers, fathers, my aunt and uncle, my cousin, and two incredible grandmothers. I have such a awesome family!

It's true what they say, presents and material possessions are nice to have, but at the end of it all, your family is what truly matters in life. Those memories I had I will truly cherish and savor the time we had together. It was so quick, but so worth it.

That is one thing that we cannot get back, time. That's why this New Year, I plan to use my time wisely doing things I enjoy doing and the people that matter the most to me. Life is so short, I reminisced our childhood memories with my grandma and how quickly they went by.

I will also strive to be my best each and every day. No matter what happens. Always have a positive attitude in life. Think of the silver linings or strength it gives me when something goes wrong. Ask myself " What can I learn from this experience?" And "How can I improve in any situation?"

Over the Holiday, we went together as a family to see the movie " Unbroken". It was truly a masterpiece and something to go see for anyone. It shows the pain and agony of a man who went through some unimaginable situations. He acquired some super human strength to go on no matter how bad things get. Have faith. Grow no matter where you are planted, and face your fears! Go get 'em!

Happy 2015 New Year!

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