Friday, February 14, 2014

Be Mine: Valentines Day L-O-V-E

Happy Friday!

I also wanted to say, Happy Valentines Day! In honor of Shirley Temple, I wanted to touch upon my childhood and the many Shirley Temple drinks my sister and I would consume. These little sugary drinks take me back to my childhood memories of spending vacation with my grandmother. We would always love to watch the classics like The Little Rascals and little Miss Shirley Temple.  She was so spunky and driven at such a young age!

Shirley put a smile on audiences faces when they were faced with The Stock Market Collapse and The Great Depression of the 1930s. She's such an inspirational little actress of her day. I recently ordered a virgin Shirley Temple, and it instantly took me back to my childhood memories.

This Valentines Day, you don't have to splurge on extravagant gifts, just telling that special someone that you love and cherish them should be a gift enough. I'm not saying that gifts aren't special, but just spending time with ones you love should be a gift in itself.

My favorite part of Valentines Day when I was a child, was giving and receiving those paper Valentines cards. It really makes you feel special! Not to mention getting those awkward boy meets girl butterflies. Cupid's arrow strikes again!

Shirley Temple had a great life. She put smiles and the magic of childhood in the lives of many.  I hope each person gets a hug or kiss on this special day! Show that special someone in your life that they mean the world to you. So, raise you're Shirley Temples and drink to love being in the air! Cheers!


Shirley Temple Recipe:

1. 7Up/ Ginger Ale
2. 1 Tablespoon Cherry Grenadine
3. Maraschino Cherries

Mix and drink up!

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