Sunday, September 8, 2013

To Market to Market...

Hello Everyone!

Yesterday I went to the Nashville Farmers Market. I love going to the Market when the seasons transition.  I start seeing beautiful big orange pumpkins, gourds, dried colored corn cobs, and mums! That brings upon feelings of spiced hot cider, apple picking and hay rides! I love this time of year! The smell of firewood and cool nights are so inviting!  Flannel shirts, riding boots and warm sweater weather! Nashville is still pretty hot, so I am in anticipation for the cooler weather. I helped my mother recently make a peach pie! These peaches were huge and from South Carolina. I really enjoy supporting local farmers markets because everything is so fresh, and less expensive than grocery stores. It's also a fun experience! I took some great shots of all the local fruits and vegetables. Check out how cool the pumpkins look! I can't wait for October to slowly roll through so I can watch my favorite scary movies on AMC. I used to do this in college with my sorority sisters all the time! Another college favorite was lighting Swan Creek Candles around the house. These candles are the best because they are made from soybean/ vegetable wax and they are also lead free. The scent is incredible. I really miss going to haunted houses as a kid. Actually, I don't really miss the chainsaw touching my feet. That was the worst! I can't wait for Halloween activities with my Kindergartners! They make the cutest crafts, and say the funniest things! Below are some shots I took with my new Nikon D90. I love this camera! What kinds of things will you be doing this Fall season?

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