Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wardrobe Wednesday: Black Style

Good Day!

Today I just wanted to talk about one of my favorite colors to wear. Black! I love this color! No, I'm not a dark and mysterious person that only comes out at night, I just love the simplicity and sophistication that black exudes. I feel confident and a little slimmer. When I can't pinpoint exactly what I want to wear, black is the color to take all the complication out of my life. Black is the color to make me feel beautiful on the most dreadful days. The little black dress is always a statement piece. The black slim pencil skirt is always flattering in a professional setting, and of course don't forget the classic black suit. I just invested in one for teaching interviews. Happy birthday to me! On weekends you can catch me in my black Nike skinny leg running pants,  or black leggings. In the fall and winter I used to buy thick opaque tights from Bloomingdales when I got my discount (that was short lived). DKNY makes the best! If money were no object, I'd opt for the Wolford's, but that's a little out of my price range right now.  I always love a good black ballet flat, I recently got a pair of waterproof ones for $4.95 on sale at J.Crew. Talk about a deal. You can never steer wrong in a classic black turtle neck or cashmere black sweater. Those never go out of style. I love color, comfort and the  precise fit. If something fits nice, it will always look sharp. Material is always important in a piece of clothing. You want it to last for awhile, not a washing or two. These are just some of my ideas for black style. What color flatters you?

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