Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Oh, There's No Place Like Home For The Holidays!

Hello Everyone!

I hope your having a fabulous week. Since I am just now adjusting from my moving transition from Nashville to New York, it's been a change! I just finished organizing my belongings into a tiny shoebox size studio for two.I feel like two sardines in a tin can. Two sparkling sardines, that is. This place needed a woman's touch!  While it's quite cozy, it is also tight quarters! I felt like organizing was a game of Tetris. Everything had to be in its place in order for this to be comfortable. Guess what, my belongings fit perfectly! Now, our little place is so quaint!

When I  was finished, I felt the need to encompass some sign of the holidays in this space!
Right down the block from our humble little abode, was a small flower shop that was selling itty bitty Christmas trees! So cute:) I thought it would be so festive to grab one and decorate it with lights. Now, it's no Rockefeller Center tree, but you get it. Since we do have such a small studio, I've been trying to persuade him in getting one. It's literally 3 feet high. It will be a Charlie Brown Christmas!  I guess my point of this blog post is to make the best of what you have and the people who are in your life during the holidays. Don't wait for that perfect place. Enjoy life right now. Prepare for the future, but live in the present. No matter where you live. This is one life lesson that I must learn. That's what the holidays are about. Here's some photos of the city I took while shopping for my nieces. Have a good one!

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