Sunday, August 25, 2013

Etiquette 101...Formal and Restaurant Dining

Hi Everyone!

Today I just wanted to touch on the subject of table manners! I need to brush up on some things that I have recently read that I think are important to keep while seated at a nice dinner. There's nothing stuffy about looking good while eating! First off,  always remove your napkin from the table and place it on your lap. There's nothing like looking at a napkin on the table until your food is served.  Not a big deal- just something to keep in mind. When you get up from the table, fold your napkin and place it near the left or right of your plate. Never place the napkin in your chair! In a restaurant, wait till everyone has been served to eat your dinner. It's the worst feeling when everyone is eating and you don't have a plate!

Here's the big confusion that most people forget when they are at a restaurant or formal dinner party.  Wine glass or water glass is on your right side, and butter plate and butter knife are on your left. That even gets me confused sometimes!

With the dinner utensils, start outside and work your way in. The salad, dinner and dessert fork are usually on your right, and the soup spoon, teaspoon and dinner knife are usually on your left side.  Your napkin is on your left side. Dessert and coffee utensils are North of your entree plate.

There are two ways to use your utensils while eating (I know, so much!)

American Style- Which is having your knife in your right hand and fork in your left.  While you are chewing your food, you place the knife with teeth inward toward the plate, then switch your fork to your right hand.

Continental Style- This style is nice which is using your left hand to cut and your right with fork. This is nice because you don't switch hands! When you need a drink, place both utensils down, the fork resting across the knife:)

Some helpful tips:

- Food is served from the left.
-Never take something when a particular dish is being passed to someone else.
-Loud eating noises are horrible.
- Never talk with your mouth open, that would be embarrassing if your chewed roll gets on someone's plate. Ew!
- Don't eat too fast!
- Playing with your food is a no-no (and don' t give children the excuse, he's just a kid) children are teachable, and you can do it in a nice way!
- When you are finished eating, never place your utensils back on the table. place the silverware on the plate in the 4:20 position.
- I detest political talk at the table because nothing ever gets solved in one evening, you're there in good company, not a debate.
- I also don't care for upstaging another person, do not iterrupt a person during a conversation. That is so irritating.
-Men, do not cut a woman off in a buffet style line, I had this older man do this to me recently. He clearly saw that another woman and I were patiently waiting. I know we can't rise chivalry back from the dead, but come on, these are just basic common manners!  I'm teaching waiting your turn in line with my Kindergardeners. They are amazing at it. I lost my appetite to eat after that sly move. I was embarrassed for him!
-Men, hold the door open for the ladies and push in their seat once in a blue moon. I'm sure your girlfriend, fiancĂ© or wife will look at you a little differently, in a very good way! If you can't remember all two of these tricks, I'm sure one will suffice!   Remember, It's the little things!

My fiancĂ© is coming into town next weekend. Maybe he will surprise me with a nice birthday dinner (hint, hint, if you're reading this now:)  I hope this was good advice! I need to keep these in mind as well!

More ideas to come!

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