Sunday, August 11, 2013

Motivational Monday to Workout!

Hi Everyone!

This week I have made a promise to myself to workout a little bit everyday. I'm not one of those people who can't wait to run to the gym, (although) I wish I was. I am at least athletic and if I can do something in my spare time that gets my heart pumping, I feel I have accomplished a tiny workout. Even if its a 30 minute quick walk around the neighborhood, that makes me feel refreshed and better about myself.  I have been looking high and low for some advice online and ran into this Victoria's Secret model, I think her name is Allessandra?  I could be wrong, but I believe she does this Brazillian Butt workout that makes her behind look astonishing. I never really cared about that asset (ha) of my body until recently. I guess the whole reason why I am blogging about this is because when I start talking about my plans out loud into the universe, it inspires me even more to keep motivated and work towards my goal of a better body. I don't have much to complain about except for toning up a bit more. If anyone sees this, and would like to post or let me know what workouts inspire them, please let me know! I am open for suggestions! What inspires you to get motivated to get your workouts done?  Have a lovely day!

Kristen Workout Playlist: (Yes, Nicki Minaj pumps me up)

1. Bad Girls- MIA
2. I Need Your Love- Ellie Goulding
3. Tom Ford-Jay Z
4. Get Like Me- Pharell and Nicki Minaj
5. Royals-Lorde
6. Come and Get It-Selena Gomez
7. Va Va Voom- Nicki Minaj
8.Wake Me Up- Avicii
9. Blurred Lines- Robin Thicke
10. Tornado-Polina
11.If I Lose Myself Tonight- One Republic
12.I'm the Best- Nicki Minaj
13.Fly- Nicki Minaj
14. We Can't Stop- Miley Cyrus
15. Levels- Avicii
16. One Thing- One Direction
17. Dark Paradise- Lana Del Ray
18. Crazy Kids-Ke$ha
19. Applause-Lady Gaga
20. Roar-Katy Perry

Here is also a Carrot Juice recipe that is wonderful for glowing skin, energy, and great for your health overall:

Kristen's Carrot Elixir:

1. 1 lb. of carrots
2. 1/2 an apple
3. Thumb size ginger root
4. 1/4 size lemon
5. Handful of spinach (optional)

I usually like to drink hot lemon water before I begin. Hot lemon water stimulates your cells to a higher metabolism level. Lemon water has so many benefits! After I'm done, I take the vegetable scrapings into a compost pile. I don't think I will be able to do this in the city, but it is a great fertilizer for your plants! With the population of the Earth getting larger, it's imperative to reuse as much as we can for future generations. It's not a crazy concept, just smart!

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