Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A New Yorker in Paris: What I've Learned From the French

Good Day Friends!

I hope you are enjoying your week!  I have been reading many books in my free time. This is a good thing for my brain, but a bad thing because I'm afraid of becoming a hermit. Sometimes I just like to get away with the so called perfections and "Keeping Up" vibe I get from Facebook, Glossy magazines, and Television.

I feel like there is this sort of feeling of "like " me or "I won't be valued enough" mentality? It's silly and brings me back to elementary school. Anyone else get that?

It very similar to the "Keeping Up with The Jones" mentality of the 1950s. It's the"We need the bigger house honey", or, "the nicer vehicle to be better". There's nothing wrong with being successful, just doing it to "one up" someone else is what irritates me.  Today, the general public wants to aspire to be the Kardashians and their "All About Me" way of life.

I love fashion magazines and posts, but every time I scroll, its always something about them and how millions are fascinated by these people desperately out for attention. I was brought up to believe, if you have money, good! Be modest and don't flaunt it! It's tacky and in bad taste.

Sometimes social media is draining, I literally want to turn it off for awhile and read a good old fashioned book.

That's why today I wanted to summarize my French fascination with you all. You may think they  exude arrogance and are stiff neck, but its actually a very simple, beautiful culture.

It was refreshing to read how my no painted nails and very little makeup routine was in good taste with their elegant take on classiness. They are sexy and imperfect, showing their disheveled hair and stylish casual street style. . They actually prefer the "less is more look". Tres Bien!

They are confident in themselves and are passionate about what they do. No Botox,No Cosmetic Surgeries, No B.S. They actually love aging and strive to gain maturity and class. They welcome their wise years with open arms.

These books made me feel so much better about myself. I don't need the million dollar lifestyle to feel beautiful on the outside. After reading these books, I walked around the city a little bit taller, and felt more comfortable in my own skin. Find out what your style is. No need to try to be anyone else. Self-Knowledge is KEY, Ladies!

 I'm confident in my own skin and know that my work is benefiting society in some way. All You need is some well kept hygiene, one of your favorite perfume/good face cream/ lotion, a smile from ear to ear, and matching under garments. Poof! Cinderella!  Oui! Oui!

Here are the books:

Oh, La La: French Women Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Everyday. By Jamie Cat Callan

All You Need to Be Impossibly French: A Witty Investigation into the Lives Lusts, and Little Secrets of French Women By Helena Frith Powell

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