Monday, November 4, 2013

November Children's Book: I'm Gonna Be Like Me

Good Day!

Today I wanted to tell you about a great book I read by the ever so famous woman by the name of Jamie Lee Curtis. It's called I'm Gonna Be like Me: Letting Off a Little Self-Esteem. I'm so glad that a well known actress could reach out to children in such a positive and inspirational way. Jamie, herself had a tough time when she was a child with her self esteem. Like most adolescent children, it took many years for her to fully accept and appreciate herself. When people can come out and tell their stories about their hardships, it makes the books they write have real meaning to others. 

We all go through tough times, it's how we overcome our individual obstacles that makes us stronger in the end. We can then use these experiences to propel us forward through life. We shouldn't allow these flaws to weigh us down! Find your imperfections as a trait of your very own and learn to embrace them! Students will find this book uplifting and should give them confidence in their own lives. 

YOU have the power and the choice to be who you want to be in life. Create your own destiny. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you let them, then your living their life, not your own. Thank you, Jamie Lee, for making the world a better place!

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