Sunday, October 20, 2013

Of All These Things, Love is the Greatest

Hello Everyone!

Today I wanted to talk about the term with which we call LOVE. Love is what inspires me to get up in the morning and become a better person. The world is created on love. Without it human beings would cease to exist. Love is what makes the world go round on a day to day basis. When I wake up, I am filled with good feelings that I feel loved and have love for my family and friends. Love is what inspires me to become a better teacher and help students do their very best in their work.  Do I sound like a long- haired hippie in the grass yet? Ok, I have just been so intrigued by living my purpose in life and finding my true passions. Now, that I am recently engaged, I feel the need to give the very best of myself

 and what I have to offer the world. I am so lucky to be apart of a new family unit! I can't wait to start my life with him and begin this incredible new time in my life!

I feel like I have definitely  slowly grown into my own person and who I am aspiring to be! When you truly find that person  who inspires you to become a better person independently, I feel that is when you can love and accept another person. 

So today, my words of advice for you are, when you ultimately find what you are meant to set out to do in this world, you have great love for yourself and give out love. This in turn allows you to make another person happy and you help out one another on your individual paths. Well, this is what's working for me to say the least:)

  If you've feel like you've lost that loving feeling, try to bring it back by saying something nice to someone, open a door for a complete stranger, (I'm talking to you my fellow New Yorkers;) or buy a special someone flowers. I promise, when you give love even in simplest of ways, it comes back ten fold!  Ok, I'm going to dance around a camp fire now! Peace, love and harmony my habitual readers!

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