Thursday, October 30, 2014

True Grit: The Ability to Have a Growth Mindset

Hello Friends!

I want to inspire you this Thursday morning. Rest assured, I'm not a morning person. This is my "True Grit" moving full speed ahead as we speak. On that note, Good Morning!  I wanted to talk today about the term, "Grit"."Grit" is defined as:

a :  sandgravel
b :  a hard sharp granule (as of sand); also :  material (as many abrasives) composed of such granules
:  any of several sandstones
a :  the structure of a stone that adapts it to grinding
b :  the size of abrasive particles usually expressed as their mesh
:  firmness of mind or spirit :  unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger
Wait, go back, "Grit" is defined as firmness of mind or spirit: unyielding in the face of hardship or danger. I really like this term. Especially since I'm a teacher. 
Unsurprisingly, it's difficult to motivate a student.  Especially on A Monday morning when they may be half asleep, dreaming of bed on a rainy morning clutching a teddy bear. 
I even dream those thoughts! We're all human. We all have difficulties in our lives and tragic events such as someone close to us passing away, a debilitating sickness, or a hardship in our family. 
It's the ability to move past those experiences, no matter how hard they may be and keep moving. This is were a teacher can not only be teaching the common core standards, but teaching students to move past these experiences in time of fear and anxiety. 
We almost need to be inspiring life coaches that frame a child and prepare them for the life ahead. Good or bad. School shouldn't be just about getting recognized by achievements, but also working past obstacles in daily experiences and trying our very best in life. 
If  you didn't learn about this term in school, it's never too late to start! Never give up! 
Because one day, that little grit of sand will become a beautiful pearl:)

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