Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Breton: A Nautical Inspired Style

Ahoy Mates!

Just kidding, I wanted to get you attention by writing a cheesy tag line. With that being said, I am a complete striped tee shirt addict! Long sleeve short sleeve, cotton, jersey,  it doesn't seem to matter. I love all sorts of colors, but my favorite would have to be the classic black and white or navy and white striped.

Do you know why the sailors wore The Breton uniform? No? Then I'll tell you. It was the French navy that was thought to inspire this pattern. This was out of safety and one of good measure: so that if a sailor fell overboard, the distinctive stripe print could easily be spotted in the waves. Pretty cool, huh? The sailor stripe was associated with the coastal region of Brittany, which is why it's called The Breton stripe.

So why blue and white? One reason was because blue is associated with the sea and the sky, and the white either symbolized the point at which the sky and sea meet, or the frothy waves in the ocean.

This is neat fact:  there should be 21 stripes on a true sailor shirt. These signified 21 of Napoleon's victories. So now that you know a little bit about the nautical shirt history, I thought I could tell you were to find some great well crafted Nautical shirts. Have Fun!

The Breton Co.

J. Crew:

Edith A. Miller:

Saint James:

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