Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Funny Valentine: The Benefits of Chocolate

Hello Readers!

Since February is heading in our way, I thought I would talk with you about my constant chocolate cravings I've had. Surprisingly, I'm not a big chocoholic. I never have been. I think the reasons for these so called constant cravings is because it's been so cold outside! Chocolate is sweet and comforting in times of uncertainty and, it  being frigid weather so far. Chocolate has been my partner in action at times when I need it most. Yes, I'm getting married in a few months, so I need to curb this little desirable sweet treat. The best advice I can give people is to live in moderation. Too much of something is a bad thing! Here are some benefits of chocolate that I can give you:

1. Chocolate is made from cacao. This superfood eaten alone is quite bitter tasting, the milk and sugar contained in chocolate is what is bad for you. Make sure the chocolate your eating is 70% cacao. This is usually dark chocolate.

2. Research has been done that eating a small dark piece of chocolate each day cut chances of heart attack or stroke percentages significantly.

3. Studies suggest chocolate can help curb cravings of other foods and help aid in weight  loss. I'm not saying eating a whole 1lb. bag of M&M's will help you. Remember dark chocolate and moderation, please!

4. In another study done in Italy, researchers found that patients who ate a dark chocolate bar a day,
saw their potential for insulin drop by a half.

5. Next time you feel stressed and anxious, reach for a piece of dark chocolate. Studies show people who ate chocolate when anxious or nervous felt more comfortable in uncertain situations.

Thank goodness Valentine's Day will be here soon. I can't wait for some  delicious chocolate!

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