Thursday, July 25, 2013

Under The Boardwalk


So, continuing my trip, my fiancé decided to surprise me with taking a surprise trip out of the city for the weekend. I was really excited, but knowing my fiancé, I don't know what to expect. That's why I love him. He's exceptionally gifted at throwing surprises at me all the time, good or bad. Usually they start off jokingly bad, but end up the best things in the world. You have to know him. Anyway, he finally told me we were going on a trip to Atlantic City! I thought, cool! I'm up for it! I've never been there before! So, we take off from his work on a 3 hour bus to the Jersey Shore. The bus ride was pretty relaxing considering I have been walking around the city all week. As we get off the bus, I notice we are in a pretty seedy area walking our luggage to the hotel. We finally get to the hotel and walk inside. I noticed similarities between Vegas and Atlantic City, sort of like twins, but one is the much more attractive twin...much more.  We did so many fun things while in Atlantic City, we played a game of mini golf, played craps, and ate a funnel cake!

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